Secrets On How To Store Green Onions and Coriander!

Nov 26, 2019
Coriander and green onions are ingredients popularly used by restaurants in cooking and attractively decorating menu items. Often times, however, these ingredients are not used up after a single use, so they have to be stored inside a refrigerator to extend their usage life. Today we are going to teach you how to store coriander and green onions in a way that keeps them fresh for a long time, so you won't have to throw them away after spoiling.
What you need to prepare:
-           A tub for containing clean water.
-           A tub for holding ice and cold water.
-           A cutting board (it has to be a cutting board you don't use with other ingredients in order to prevent bacterial contamination).
-           Utility paper (kitchen towels).
-           Scissors.
-           Small knife.
-           Water sprayer.
-           A tray or container for holding vegetables.

How to store green onions and coriander: 
1. First remove the vegetables from their plastic bags. Soak them in clean water to partially remove dirty substances and chemicals.
2. Next, transfer the vegetables soaking in clean water into icy water to keep the vegetables as cold as possible. Shocking the vegetables in cold water will make them crispy and delicious while keeping them fresh.
3. For green onions, properly cut out the roots. For coriander, use your fingers to scrape and clean soil from roots.
4. Place tissue paper onto the cutting board. Thoroughly sprinkle water onto the paper.
5. Place the vegetables on the tissue paper and wrap them. Once wrapped, sprinkle more water until they are soaked. Then place the vegetables on a tray for storage inside the refrigerator. This way the vegetables will always be saturated with water. The wet paper will also ensure that the coldness of the refrigerator thoroughly spreads to every part of the vegetables, making it possible to keep them fresh longer.
Food storage is one of those things many people neglect, because most restaurant owners give greater importance to marketing activities. However, food storage is also important, and the right methods can ensure that ingredients can be kept for a long time, which directly contributes to good cost management.
You can learn how to store seafood, meat and other vegetable ingredients from a professional chef in the Professional Ingredient Storage Techniques online course for free by clicking on this link!  >>

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